
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Creme de la Coop

.... so now that the ole` 

what is that?
 is it supposed to look like that?
 pile of lumber?
chicken coop!
 (Oh I see it now) 

is coming to an end, I thought I'd share some of the inspirational coops from around the web that got me SUPER excited about owning chickens. 

Granted... having a mini flock of hens really is quite interesting and entertaining it also provides very edible benefits as well.

I do have to admit though, I was not all that stoked about receiving a box full of baby chicks for my birthday from a very confused yet well intended husband. 
OK.  The box was very small, and it only had four chicks, but it looked like a lot at the time.

The good part of that gift, the part that made my eyes light up, and my arm hairs get all tingly is when he whispered
 "you get to design the coop"
 I think I just about dropped the box of baby chicks and ran to the computer, the search was on...

This was one of my absolute favorites, so fancy schmancy...i'm pretty sure these chicks live in a very hoity toity area.
Photo: Backyard Chickens

So cute, do you think the chickens do any gardening with their own little lawn up there?
 Photo: DIY Cozy Homes
 Photo: HGTV
Photo: ChickenVillage


  1. Chicken coop design: SO FUN! My mom has chickens and we love to steal all her eggs. They don't have a fancy coop though, but now your inspiration photos make me want to design them a tiny little chicken house. Maybe with a chicken front porch, and chicken porch swing?
    Kelly @ View Along the Way

    1. Kelly, I love the chicken porch swing idea!!! May have to end up stealing that from you, if you don't mind. Right now my girls are really just yard ornaments since they lay in the middle of the day and make us hunt down their eggs, last time we found a stash of eggs next to the AC unit. Silly birds!
