
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I love...LOVE

...and going to Weddings.

When the Hubbs and I got married it was so simple, a nice ceremony in the back pasture at my in-laws house.  We were nineteen, just bought a house and had no money... but we were in love and knew there would be no one else so why not,  right!  The Wedding took very little to plan, guests came, we had a ceremony, ate barbeque and cake, and rode out on a firetruck in a nice gentle rain. 

It wasn't big and fancy (although to be honest, that wasn't even a choice) but at the end of the day we were married!  And wasn't that the whole point... to get married!

Well now, ten years later we have a LOT of friends getting married... and I can tell you getting married in your 30's is a lot different than getting married in your teens (which is just weird to even say).  There is so much more that goes into these weddings...thank you Pinterest ;)

Sometimes I wish we could have a re-do, and make it all fancy and actually be able to drink at our own wedding...

Then I think why ?

Why should we spend all that money, with planners, and designers, and renting out a restaurant,  finding a hotel, and a chapel (more likely a barn), worrying over the menu and open bar,  seating arrangements and all the other details that make up an amazing wedding.  

There is no reason to have a do-over... We are still married and still have our friends and family there everyday to celebrate with us.  

That.. and I'm just as happy being a guest! I hope and pray that the happy couples we celebrate with will have a lifetime full of love and create a life together that grows with each passing year. 

 I LOVE going to weddings :)

The reception for this last wedding was at Driftwood Southern Kitchen in Raleigh, NC
The location was perfect, nestled in a little shoppe village with string lights and potted plants.  It was one of the most romantic evenings and the staff was very efficient and friendly.

* the thoughts and opinions of this post are completely my own, in no way was I compensated by Driftwood, I just truly enjoyed my experience there and can't wait to go back.

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